Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Military Boxes--November

It's that time again...more boxes for my boyfriend abroad.  I LOVE thanksgiving, but he doesn't have the same attachment as I do.  So I wanted to connect it as much as possible to our friends where we live.  

Box decorations have covered every recent ship.  When my boyfriend was first deployed I read a blog from a woman who swore her husband loved the decorations.  So, from then on out I've decorated.  Let me say this one turned quite a few heads at the post office.  I am sure my boyfriend was the laughing stock of the barracks!  At least it shows I care enough to think about it...right?

I had a fall festival-beer tasting party at our house in October.  During that event I had all of our friends write messages to include in the thanksgiving box.

The completed box.  

If you are interested, a list of what I remember including:

Ridiculous Turkey Hat (top left) from Dollar Bins at Target
New Fleece Blanket for the freezing cold
New Fuzzy Socks for sleeping
Hand and toe warmers for his boots
Favorite Snacks--mini cakes, chips ahoy, takis chips
Little bags of treats to pass out to people in this office
Love letters from Friends
A take on Thanksgiving Dinner
Microwavable Dinner of Chicken and Mashed Potatoes (they didn't have turkey)
Turkey Jerkey
Reeses in the shape of a pumpkin (for dessert)


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