Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Military Boxes--March

Before He Left Letters

I wrote notes for every week all year (it took forever!).  Not knowing what communication would be like, I figured this would give him a sense of home no matter what happened.  I send them in his bag before he left, so he has been opening one every week.  I also included special ones for holidays/birthday.  


Before He Left Box

I didn't take photos of this, 
but we bought the following and shipped it before he left:

Toiletries he loves in large bottles
Mattress Pad (think college status)
Comfy Sheets (dark colors)
Extra blanket (fleece type)
Good Pillow

 It arrived about a week after he got there and he says this was the best box he ever got.  It makes it so much more comfortable to be there for a long time.  

After the arrived he asked for the following:
Serge Protector
Small lamp with clip for bed
Alarm Clock that runs on Batteries
FootLocker to store things in


The Start of Boxes

Once we knew he was really leaving, I started grabbing ideas for boxes when I could find things cheap.  I kept them in a big bag under my bed and then the first week he left popped up all the boxes and started sorting.  It was a good start to the themed boxes and left plenty of space for perishables I would buy to add in every month (food requests and such).


March #1 & #2
St. Patricks Day and Castle Themed

I wish I had kept better record of what I added in these.  

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