Monday, August 4, 2014

Slowing down in life's hustle & bustle

Tonight I got sucked into the blog-es-phere.  You know that place where you start reading your favorite blogs and then all of the sudden you link to 100 more as you realize you have been staring at your screen for far too long?  That place when you start to fill your soul with the things you didn't realize you were missing.

It's one of those places that I come to every once in a while when I feel like I haven't let my creative juices flow in far too long.  This past year too much has fiance returned from deployment, I took 9 units of medical classes while working full time when I thought I wanted to change careers, I planned my dream wedding and made everything from scratch,  I married the love of my life, he changed careers, we set up our temporary apartment living and I attempted to sell everything I could right after our weeding to make our house look normal again.  It was a season of business, depletion, exhaustion, and lots of fun memories.  

It's been a few months of spending nights at the house trying to relax and feel back to normal again and slowly starting to build back the social life I had been missing.    I think I ran to hard for too long.  I want to scream at myself to find what I love again.  To start creating.  To paint even though I am not a painter.  To bake again, even if it isn't from scratch.  To remember what sparks my spirit and brings me back to life.  I think I lost some of that, in the busyness of life and the craziness of transition.

Sometimes the pressure to move forward so fast has my head reeling in a commotion.  Even now in the quiet moments I find my mind drifting to future to do lists.  A house we can afford in San Diego.  The imaginary to-do list for the fixer upper we will most likely have to buy.  The thought of babies that turn into kids that turn into teens much faster than I think I might be ready for.  The wedding albums that need to be made and the apartment furniture I should be thrift store hunting for.  The things that will make the life that we've been told we need to be happy.  Do we ever feel like we arrive at that place of perfection?  How do we spark the creativity again?    

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Starting the New Year Off Right

It was time to get down and get rid of the dirty. 

Enter this beauty...the $5 rental vacuum from Home Depot.  
The best vacuum suction I have house now looks unreal!

New Year's flowers from my love who is deployed

Birthday celebrations in our apartment

And walks here...with a great friend who was out visiting

San Diego is an magical place.


Becoming an Etsy Girl

A few weeks ago I finally opened my Etsy store.   It's been a long time coming.   Right now it's just necklaces...recycled men's tie necklaces and metal fashion jewelry.  More to come!


Recipe Round-Up

I've got hundreds of recipes from magazines and more recently pinterest, that I have not yet corralled.  

current method = throw in a box

This weekend I have started rounding them all up to make a few of my own recipe books.  

The idea is to have color coded sections and add pictures of what I make to those that are picture-less (can you tell I'm a visual person?).  I'll keep you posted with how it all turns out.

Live Music Gem

Last night we were determined to find some great local live music.  A friend and I hit up all the San Diego music bloggers for recommendations and then picked a random group.  We ended up at Lestats in North Park and heard this unbelievable band called the Show Ponies.  The lead singer was AMAZING and for 3 hours of live music,  you can't beat $10!

Opening Act
The guy to the left was hilarious

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dessert Designs

Each year I make all of the desserts for our annual holiday party.  I tend to over-make for the 100 guests, but line up bags for people to take treats home.  Here's a peak into the process...

Ingredients lined up, ready to go
No baking from scratch with this many treats 
in a short amount of time by myself!

1/2 the baking is done!

The finished spread


Mug Making!

After so many posts about original mug making.  I had to try it.  I got a few of my girl friends together and we sharpied the night away!

They turned out great, but did take longer than I thought in the oven (since we had so much ink).  Plan on at 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees and a full night of cooling.  What do you think of our designs?